Creating sustainable competitive advantages in the areas in which we operate to value our customers and to contribute tothe strengthening the competitiveness of Azerbaijan economy in the international area.

Activity areas: we prefer to work and do our best in the diverse business spares to reach sustainable satisfaction of our customers;

Sustainable competitive advantages:In a constantly changing market conditions through conducted researches, applied innovations, modern skills and competitive new product designs we are eager to ensure dynamic growth;

Value for our customer–our focus - is our customer. We provide value for our customers throughhigh quality, fair price, variety of products and services.

International competition ability - we believe that we contribute to the strengthening of international competitiveness and exporting potential of our country by our competitive advantages and our development



To establish "RR Group of Companies"  as internationally well known "business brand".



Patriotism –to prefer state interests tobusiness interests, to do our best for the independence and territorial integrity of the country;

Responsible business – to operate in full compliance with international and national laws, national moral and religious values, principles and the interests of society and with leading business ethics;

Value of customer – ensuring complete satisfaction of our customers by producing goods and providing services of high quality and fair prices.

Loyalty - to stay true to our corporate values, to be faithful to the obligations undertaken before customers, partners, employees and partners, appreciate the loyalty of the employees of Company;

Corporate governance –developing effectiveness of the business activity by implementation of the best international corporate standards;

Professionalism - ouractivity is based on the best professional approaches and practices;

Teamwork – ensuring the participation of a wide range of team members in the “from top to down” decisions and relying on the efforts of the team in decision-making processes;

Discipline - all within the company rules and norms of behavior and ethical frameworks to follow;

Learning and development - Our employees are our main assets. Aiming to develop professional skills of our employees byusing of modern teaching and learning techniques in the age of IT and always beingone step ahead of competitors;

Corporate social responsibility - Contributing to assist to the low-income people,the youth to study, people needed medical treatment, developing of sports in the country